Recreate your image, beautiful with soft facial features, with a nose hump correction.
A humped nose (nose bump, dorsal nose hump) is when the nose has a raised bump on the nasal bridge and, sometimes, a drooping or sharp nose tip that can give off a fierce or angry impression. Humpectomy creates a beautiful and smooth nose by removing the bump on nasal bone and cartilages and lifting up the low nose tip.
JW Plastic Surgery provides the most suitable nose hump correction procedure, considering your nose shape and conditions. Not only does our humped nose correction smoothes the nasal bridge it also corrects a wide nasal bridge. We’ll sculpt a slim and beautiful nose.
A hump bridge consists of nasal bones and cartilages. We can correct a hump nose by cutting hump on nasal bones and cartilages. Excessive removal or insufficient correction can lead to curvature, so it is vital to operate by well-experienced, skilled medical professionals, and board-certified plastic surgery specialists.
Since the nasal bones are fragile, removing bones could expose the cavities. If the opening is small and unnoticeable, it may be left as it is. However, if it’s wide or noticeable, it needs to be covered to avoid it being felt or noticed.
Nasal tip correction is a procedure that raises the shape and repositions of the lateral cartilage at the tip of the nose.
The nose tip may be supported by inserting a support into the nostril (normally autogenous septal cartilage will be used), and muscle pulling the tip of the nose down may be cut to prevent the tip of the nose from sagging again after surgery.
The correction of the nasolabial angle (columella labial angle), where the philtrum meets with the columella, is usually corrected by widening the angle only by lifting the tip of the nose (correction of the sagging tip). In some situations, an additional autologous cartilage is placed on the nasolabial angle to correct it.
JW nose team constitutes 2 nose specialists with know-how from various clinical experiences, as well as dedication to achieving the best result by medical research.