Surgery Day
The big day has arrived. I was so nervous and excited at the same time. I felt like I had waited so long to get here, and now its all happening.
9:30AM: I arrived at JW with my boyfriend. Surgery was scheduled at 10:00. I met with Jenny and was the necessary forms to sign and paid for my surgery. After which, I was escorted to the X-Ray room on another floor. Then, back to the main floor to have my last consultation with the doctor. After this, I was taken to another floor. I was given a room (which looked similar to a hospital room with 2 beds and TV) and a gown laid out for me to change into.
I was so nervous, being in the gown made things seem so much more real. I went to the bathroom so many times back and forth. And at one point on my way back to the room, Jenny stopped me to ask if I was okay. I think that she could see how nervous I was. Because after our conversation, she brought my boyfriend from the reception area to my recovery room (next to the surgery room) so that I could see him before the surgery and wake up to him being by my bedside.
In the operating room there were so many nurses going moving around, strapping me to the operating table, attaching clips and heart monitor devices to my hand and feet, checking my blood pressure… the list goes on and on. It was very busy, and I thought to myself “am I making the right decision”…”what if I don’t like my results” etc. I was low-key freakin’ out. When Jenny held my hand reassured me everything was gonna be okay, it made all the difference.
The next thing I knew, I was knocked out.
When I gained consciousness, I couldn’t feel any pain but I could feel someone moving my ears. It was almost like i was still asleep. I had no idea where I was what I was doing and couldn’t open my eyes. Then I recognized Doctor’s voice saying “surgery was a successful”. Next thing I know, the nurse wiped off some gel from my eyes so that I could see where I was going and she escorted back to the recovery room. I gave my boyfriend a big hug and laid down. Moments later Jenny arrived to check on me. She also brought some much needed water and medication.
Post-Op Photos
DAYS 1-2:
Not much to reveal my bandages were still on but I could see that my nostrils became more even. There wasn’t as much swelling as I expected . But there is a lot of drippage and some bleeding.
DAYS 3-4:
DThe swelling became worse and worse. But on the bright side I didn’t have much bruising. Just a tiny bit on my tip and right where I had the alar graft.
It seems that gravity moves the swelling lower and lower down my face. At point, it was mostly my lower cheeks, upper lip and lip area that were swollen.

At this point, I am back in my home country. The swelling has come down substantially. My nose looks more and more natural everyday.
My nose got higher and my biggest problem which visiable and uneven nostrils has been corrected.

I honestly can’t wait to see the final results but i already love the way it looks.