A revision eye surgery makes more attractive and natural-looking eyes and it will heal your heart!
After eye surgery, some patients experience a unnatural eye shape, other functional difficulties or asymmetrical eyes. In this case, many of them consider a re-operation for different reasons. A re-operation should be carefully conducted in order to avoid a second or third re-operation. Therefore, well-experienced and skilled medical professionals should conduct a re-operation.
Proper time for a revision eye surgery
A revision eye surgery shouldn’t be conducted anytime and whenever you want. We recommend patients to have a re-operation at least six months after the previous surgery and at least three months later if the surgical site is still swollen. In case of a patient who underwent blepharoptosis correction, he or she may be able to have a re-operation one to two weeks after the previous surgery. In other cases, we recommend patients to have a re-operation after the eye tissue is stabilized, generally three to six months after the previous surgery.
In order to create beautiful and natural-looking double eyelids, eye surgery should be conducted in consideration of the height and depth of double eyelids, the volume of eyelids, adhesion, and the strength of ocular muscles. If such components are not harmonized, the results of the operation may be unsatisfactory.
As each individual has different eye shapes and skin conditions, it is important to find the most natural and optimal height of double eyelids for you. Thick double eyelids make you look edgy from a long distance, but make you appear vacant from a close distance. On the contrary, thin double eyelids look natural from a long distance, but make you look fierce from a close distance. Therefore, it is important to find the most optimal height of double eyelids in order to prevent such gap.
The depth of double eyelids is determined by the direction of the front and rear parts of the eyelids and their length. Even though the height of double eyelids is the same, the eye shape changed depending on the depth of double eyelids. Thin double eyelids may easily disappear and deep double eyelids look unnatural.
Accounting for 80% of revision eye surgery, the strength of ocular muscles is one of the most important elements. Most people’s faces are asymmetric and have a different strength of ocular muscles. An operation should be conducted, that considers the strength balance of the ocular muscles on both eyes.
If too much skin tissue was removed at the previous surgery, it may cause excessive adhesion and hollows under the double eyelids. In this case, the eye shape is unnatural. In the opposite case, it may cause triple folds.
If the eyelids are too thick, the upper eyelids may cover the double eyelids and the double eyelids may look extremely thin or not be visible at all. In the opposite case, the double eyelids may be overly exposed and look awkward and unnatural, which may require a re-operation.
The unsatisfactory result of a revision eye surgery is caused by a combination of factors. We accurately diagnose the causes when planning a re-operation. JW Plastic Surgery finds the best eye shape for each patient and corrects the problems of the previous operation.
We should create higher folds above the current lines by non-incision, partial-incision or full-incision methods. The case that adhesion of skin and scar tissues are severe, we will perform full-incision surgery to release old scars and adhered skin.
They easily disappear over time.
They are still clearly visible but may look puffy and unnatural. This symptom appears especially when the double eyelids are too high and accompanied with blepharoptosis. In this case, we can recreate natural double eyelids by adjusting the location of the front part of eyelids.
Excessive adhesion of double eyelids causes an unnatural appearance. In this case, the existing double eyelids should be removed.
If the strength of ocular muscles was not considered for the first operation, many symptoms of blepharoptosis can’t be improved after the operation.
Even though the strength of ocular muscles is considered during the first operation, the symptoms may sometimes recur over time. In this case, a reoperation should be conducted after finding the causes.
In case of a reoperation for blepharoptosis correction, the height or shape of double eyelids may change. To prevent this, new double eyelids should be made after removing the pre-existing double eyelids.
It is normal that the upper part of the pupils is covered by about 1 to 2mm of the eyelids when you open your eyes. When blepharoptosis is overcorrected, the pupils may not be covered enough. In this case, you may look surprised or fierce. In addition, you may have trouble in closing your eyes or suffer from dry eye syndrome, which requires re-operation.
Over-corrected levator palpebrae superioris muscles (elevating muscle of upper eyelid) should be separated from the tarsal plates to lower the eyelids. Then, they should be connected using the eyelid tissue or through fascia grafting.
In this case, the double eyelids may get bigger. Therefore, the size of the double eyelids may need to be adjusted again.
Even though the patient’s eyes are equal in size before an operation, their size may become different from each other after blepharoptosis correction. If blepharoptosis correction is conducted for one eye with weaker muscular strength, the other eye may become smaller after an operation.
The ocular muscles and other various factors determine the size of the eyes. Therefore, a reoperation should be conducted after analyzing such factors.
The shape of the double eyelids does not change at all when you open or close your eyes. These are called static double eyelids. Static double eyelids look unnatural and awkward.
Tip: JW Plastic Surgery’s dynamic double eyelids
Double eyelids should be clearly visible when you open your eyes and naturally disappear when you close. Natural-looking double eyelids are properly controlled by the levator palpebrae superioris muscles (elevating muscle of upper eyelid).
Undesired adhesion may cause triple folds. In this case, adhesion should be corrected in desirable shape to create beautiful double eyelids.
We create new double eyelids after adjusting the size of the eyelids by removing unnecessary fat or muscles.
Double eyelids should be remade at a proper location so that the eyelids can cover the upper part of the double eyelids. In case of a lack of eyelid tissue, fat transfer is sometimes conducted to increase the size of the eyelids.
If the eyelids become smaller by age, the thin eyelids may disturb the movements of the levator palpebrae superioris muscles (elevating muscle of upper eyelid) and, consequently, blepharoptosis may be accompanied.
In this case, medical professionals should check if the patient has blepharoptosis before an operation.
Reoperation may be required due to a combination of causes. In this case, the causes should be analyzed first for recovery and then a reoperation should be conducted to create new double eyelids.
The causes should be accurately analyzed from various angles, considering height, depth, strength, adhesion, and volume.
During surgical planning, each factor should be accurately analyzed and potential issues should be considered.
The surgery duration and method of revision eye surgery, which is considered a difficult surgery, vary depending on different factors. Therefore, well-experienced and skilled board certified eye specialists should perform a revision eye surgery.
If only fat removal or repositioning is conducted during the first operation, it may seem okay right after the operation, but the skin under the eyes will start sagging soon over time.
If only fat removal or re positioning is conducted during the first operation, it may seem okay right after the operation, but the skin under the eyes will start sagging soon over time. In this case (Lower Blepharoplasty), the medial facial tissue should be lifted up. If the results of the first operation are unsatisfactory even after a mid-line face-lift, it may result from a lack of under-eye tissue. To resolve this, the range of under-eye fat transfer or mid-line face-lift should be extended.
Ectropion (lower eyelid turns outwards) may be caused if under-eye tissue is excessively removed or if the method of the previous surgery didn’t suit on one’s condition. The patient may not be able to close his/her eyes completely and experience inconvenience when washing face. Also, He/she may experience a foreign body sensation and dry eye syndrome. Ectropion (lower eyelid turns outwards) requires a revision lower blepharoplasty.
How to correct?
If ectropion (lower eyelid turns outwards) occurs after lower blepharoplasty, it can be resolved with aesthetic canthal suspension surgery.
If you are unsatisfied with the results of an epicanthoplasty or a lateral canthoplasty or if the Larcrimal lakes (triangular space at the medial angle of the eye, where the tears collect) are overly exposed, we can correct the results through revision canthoplasty.
Tip: Why should a Z-plasty be performed?
The most common problem that may occur after revision canthoplasty is that the shape of the inner canthus may change to a U-shape. A Z-plasty can prevent potential transformation that may occur after surgery using a triangular flap, and form the inner canthus into a beautiful shape.
If the mucosa is overly exposed, the location of the lower eyelids have changed, a patient experiences ectropion (lower eyelid turns outwards), or the shape of the outer corners of the eyes have changed to the shape of webbed feet, such problems can be resolved through revision lateral canthoplasty.
JW’s revision eye surgery team provides differentiated revision eye surgery based on a wealth of experience and know-how. At JW we put the client and their safety first.
JW eye team constitutes 3 eye specialists with know-how from various clinical experiences, as well as dedication to achieving the best result by medical research.