Change your disappointment to satisfaction through revision breast surgery
Revision breast surgery in Korea should be performed when you are not satisfied with the results of mammoplasty such as breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast ptosis correction, and breast reconstruction or suffer from complications.
Revision breast surgery requires more skills and expertise than other mammoplasty. It should be performed by specialists with extensive experience.
Generally, incisions are made on the areola or under the bottom line of the breasts for revision breast surgery.
Through revision breast surgery, the capsule is removed to relieve capsular contracture, the space for breast implants is extended, or the position of breast implants is corrected. Incisions on the armpits were not enough so far since this procedure requires a clear view and exquisite skills.
M.D. Chul Hwan Seul of JW Plastic Surgery, as a pioneer of endoscopic breast surgery, developed numerous endoscopic methods for the first time in the world. In addition, he can make an incision under the armpits if the patient has undergone a previous operation through the armpits.
M.D. Chul Hwan Seul’s endoscopic revision breast surgery using armpit incision is one of the most difficult and latest operations, which have been receiving high praise from international surgeons. In numerous international conferences, many medical professionals evaluated it as an inventive and marvelous surgical technique.
Capsular contracture refers to a phenomenon when the capsule becomes abnormally thick and unnatural. If the patient experiences severe capsular contracture, the breasts may be transformed into the shape of a ball.
A breast implant may be located in a wrong place when capsular contracture occurs or space for breast implants is not enough. Sometimes it occurs due to wrong postoperative management.
A breast implant may be located in a wrong place when capsular contracture occurs or space for breast implants is not enough. Sometimes it occurs due to wrong postoperative management.
Thin tissues make breast implants visible and the edges of the breast implants are wrinkled. It is referred to as a rippling phenomenon.
We use appropriate-sized breast implants for your satisfaction.
Remove ruptured breast implants and insert new, safe, and durable breast implants.
M.D. Seul Chul-hwan of JW Plastic Surgery has been performing endoscopic breast augmentation since it was first introduced to Korea.
Through numerous academic presentations and activities, he has contributed to spreading endoscopic breast augmentation in Korea. M.D. Seul Chul-hwan designs beautiful breasts through safe HD endoscopic breast augmentation.
Some patients experience bumpy and uneven skin after liposuction on their thighs or abdomen. JW Plastic Surgery performs liposuction in the shape of a fan to create smooth body lines.
In traditional fat transfer procedures, a lump of fat is used for grafting. However, JW Plastic Surgery applies a micro fat transfer. After separating fat, it is grafted under the skin using a micro syringe. This procedure minimizes pain but maximizes the survival rate of transferred fat.
Before inserting breast implants, check the optimal breast size, breast symmetry, and detachment using a sizer.
As this step extends the surgery duration and increases the costs, many hospitals often skip it. However, JW Plastic Surgery considers this step to be very important to find the most suitable sized breast implants and obtain optimized results.
JW Plastic Surgery minimizes incisions for less scarring and patient’s satisfaction and rapid recovery.
JW Plastic Surgery has various types and sizes of breast implants to find the best breast implants for each patient.
In order to design beautiful breasts, we are using various breast implants of Motiva, Mentor and Sebbin brands.
If you have wide sternum, pigeon breasts, or wide-set breasts, it is difficult to create natural-looking cleavage. In combined breast augmentation, autologous fat is grafted to the empty part between the breasts to create natural-looking cleavage.
Postoperative complications such as bleeding and infection vary depending on the patient’s conditions. Pay extra attention to postoperative management.
JW surgeon for the Breast has been performing surgery with know-how from various clinical experiences, as well as dedication to achieving the best result by medical research.