[Real Story] Double eyelid Surgery + Rhinoplasty + Fat Injection + Chin Surgery

Hello!!My name is Min.
I finally post the after my make over story of
Double eyelid Surgery + Rhinoplasty + Fat Injection + Chin Surgery.
It has been a month already. Time flies.
I used to read other make over stories before but now.
First of all, look at my picture before.

First day,I got very swollen.I opened my eyes hardly.

And I couldn’t eat so well.I only took some liquid food.

After the most swelling days,
3rd day, I can open my eyes better.

Now I can open my eyes and the eyelids look nice I think.
The new shape of my eyes do not look heavy anymore.My nose also looks good! ^^

A week after the surgery!
There are still bruise and swelling but most of them are gone already.
The features are getting more define since the swelling is subsiding.
I felt something uncomfortable at first after the surgery but it’s disappeared after a week.

My friends are asking if it really has been a month only.
That means my face is not swollen a lot.
And they say my face looks more define now.
They envy me. I’m also very satisfied.

I’m confident now.
I tried to put make up to cover the round face but now, I don’t need make up.
I’m happy everyday seeing the changes.

JW Plastic Surgery Korea

598-6 Shinsa, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea

English Hotline : +82-10 5768 5114/ 10 7195 5114
Kakao Talk ID : jwps / jwbeautykr
E-mail : jw_beauty@naver.com

Homepage : www.jwbeauty.net

[Real Story] Double eyelid Surgery + Rhinoplasty + Fat Injection + Chin Surgery

Hello!!My name is Min.
I finally post the after my make over story of
Double eyelid Surgery + Rhinoplasty + Fat Injection + Chin Surgery.
It has been a month already. Time flies.
I used to read other make over stories before but now.
First of all, look at my picture before.

First day,I got very swollen.I opened my eyes hardly.

And I couldn’t eat so well.I only took some liquid food.

After the most swelling days,
3rd day, I can open my eyes better.

Now I can open my eyes and the eyelids look nice I think.
The new shape of my eyes do not look heavy anymore.My nose also looks good! ^^

A week after the surgery!
There are still bruise and swelling but most of them are gone already.
The features are getting more define since the swelling is subsiding.
I felt something uncomfortable at first after the surgery but it’s disappeared after a week.

My friends are asking if it really has been a month only.
That means my face is not swollen a lot.
And they say my face looks more define now.
They envy me. I’m also very satisfied.

I’m confident now.
I tried to put make up to cover the round face but now, I don’t need make up.
I’m happy everyday seeing the changes.

JW Plastic Surgery Korea

598-6 Shinsa, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea

English Hotline : +82-10 5768 5114/ 10 7195 5114
Kakao Talk ID : jwps / jwbeautykr
E-mail : jw_beauty@naver.com

Homepage : www.jwbeauty.net