[Real Story] Changing through two rounds Plastic Surgeries in JW

Hello! I did two times plastic surgery in JW
First for my eyes and nose,second time for my facial contouring.

Non-incisional Ptosis Correction+Epicanthoplasty
Rhinoplasty(Osteotomy+Sillicon Implant+Septal Cartilage on Tip)
Fat Injection on Whole face

First day when I woke up at home,I found my face swelled so much.
I was so worried.But I also read that is normal.

The swollen didn’t get better even worse.
My eyes looked very strange.

There were some bruises under my eyes.
It was the sign of the beginning of recovery.

I went to JW to remove the bandage and had cleansing.

The yellow color of bruises looked bright in one week. 

I think I got really good recovery these days.

I was done with the first round.
The next is face contouring – bone surgeries.

I came to JW again and underwent the second round surgeries.
T-shape Genioplasty + Mandible angle reduction+ Zygoma reduction 

I had experiences,so I wasn’t afraid of anything.
Just the second day,my face got swelling like fat baby!
It was seriously the worst period,cause I couldn’t eat so much those days.

The swollen went about 3 weeks,it started to look better.
I kept wearing the compression bandage for some days.

I got my new life through JW.They are go great!

JW Plastic Surgery Korea

598-6 Shinsa, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
서울시 강남구 신사동 598-6

English Hotline : +82-10 5768 5114/ 10 7195 5114
Chinese Hotline : +82-10 2213 5114/ 10 2810 5114
Thai Hotline : +82-10 4623 5114(Line ID:thai5114)

Kakao Talk ID : jwps / jwbeautykr
E-mail : jw_beauty@naver.com 

Homepage : www.jwbeauty.net
Blog : jwbeautykorea.blogspot.com

[Real Story] Changing through two rounds Plastic Surgeries in JW

Hello! I did two times plastic surgery in JW
First for my eyes and nose,second time for my facial contouring.

Non-incisional Ptosis Correction+Epicanthoplasty
Rhinoplasty(Osteotomy+Sillicon Implant+Septal Cartilage on Tip)
Fat Injection on Whole face

First day when I woke up at home,I found my face swelled so much.
I was so worried.But I also read that is normal.

The swollen didn’t get better even worse.
My eyes looked very strange.

There were some bruises under my eyes.
It was the sign of the beginning of recovery.

I went to JW to remove the bandage and had cleansing.

The yellow color of bruises looked bright in one week. 

I think I got really good recovery these days.

I was done with the first round.
The next is face contouring – bone surgeries.

I came to JW again and underwent the second round surgeries.
T-shape Genioplasty + Mandible angle reduction+ Zygoma reduction 

I had experiences,so I wasn’t afraid of anything.
Just the second day,my face got swelling like fat baby!
It was seriously the worst period,cause I couldn’t eat so much those days.

The swollen went about 3 weeks,it started to look better.
I kept wearing the compression bandage for some days.

I got my new life through JW.They are go great!

JW Plastic Surgery Korea

598-6 Shinsa, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
서울시 강남구 신사동 598-6

English Hotline : +82-10 5768 5114/ 10 7195 5114
Chinese Hotline : +82-10 2213 5114/ 10 2810 5114
Thai Hotline : +82-10 4623 5114(Line ID:thai5114)

Kakao Talk ID : jwps / jwbeautykr
E-mail : jw_beauty@naver.com 

Homepage : www.jwbeauty.net
Blog : jwbeautykorea.blogspot.com