Progress of Cheekbone reduction + Nose job

I would like to talk about my cosmetic surgery journey
JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea
I got Cheekbone Reduction(zygoma reduction)
Nose Job (rhinoplasty)
I didn’t consider myself as ugly, but not pretty of course
but My facial bone structures were asymmetrical and little wide compare to my body
So I decided to have plastic surgery after convincing my family about the surgery
I started to search online a lot after approval from my Dad
There were lots of clinics shown up from the internet when I typed in
“best surgeons in korea”, “best clinic in korea’, “plastic surgery in korea”, etc
At the end about 3 famous plastic surgery clinic left from my list,
So I decided to have consultation from all those three clinics
I was very lucky that all those 3 clinics were in Gang nam area
JW Plastic Surgery Korea was my last clinic
and I liked the most out of all 3 clinics
Because their staffs were super nice
Doctors consultation was amazing with details
Below pictures are before and after pictures of me~
Cheekbone reduction (zygoma reduction)
Nose Job (rhinoplasty)
Can You See the
Progress of my results?
What do you guys think?

What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr

Progress of Cheekbone reduction + Nose job

I would like to talk about my cosmetic surgery journey
JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea
I got Cheekbone Reduction(zygoma reduction)
Nose Job (rhinoplasty)
I didn’t consider myself as ugly, but not pretty of course
but My facial bone structures were asymmetrical and little wide compare to my body
So I decided to have plastic surgery after convincing my family about the surgery
I started to search online a lot after approval from my Dad
There were lots of clinics shown up from the internet when I typed in
“best surgeons in korea”, “best clinic in korea’, “plastic surgery in korea”, etc
At the end about 3 famous plastic surgery clinic left from my list,
So I decided to have consultation from all those three clinics
I was very lucky that all those 3 clinics were in Gang nam area
JW Plastic Surgery Korea was my last clinic
and I liked the most out of all 3 clinics
Because their staffs were super nice
Doctors consultation was amazing with details
Below pictures are before and after pictures of me~
Cheekbone reduction (zygoma reduction)
Nose Job (rhinoplasty)
Can You See the
Progress of my results?
What do you guys think?

What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr