Face Lifting & Endo Forehead Lifting + Fat injection


Hello This is Ms. Lee
Who has done Face Lifting & Endo Forehead Lifting + Fat Injection from
JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea by

Dr. Hong Dae, Kang
I’m currently little over 60’s (I will not post my exact age since I want to keep my secret >,<)
I know that everyone is getting old and their skin starts sagging down a lot.

I wish that I can stay same as all the time but can’t do anything about that.
Even though I’m over 60 but still women is women which it means wants to have
beauty and always thinking about the appereances, So I finally decided to
Face Lifting & Endo Forehead Lifting + Fat injection @ JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea

For first I went JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea to have a consultation with
Dr. Hong Dae, Kang
Since it was my first time to going to the Plastic Clinic
They were really nice during the consultation and explained me about the surgery & procedure very well so I could understand fully.

I thought Fat Injection suppose to look fatter since it is injecting fat into my face so I thought I would have more volumes on my face, But it was my wrong thoughts. Dr’s explained me that it gives more volume but it will not make you fatter. It actually help you to have better shape of your face with smoother facial line.
So I decided to do all of my surgeries @ JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea

I was very nervous because of surgery…and General Anesthesia (but Good thing calming down was that they have in house anesthesiologist)

After all the procedures it was hurt….no doubt..
and I was realllllly swollen…like a chipmunk…
but several months later I could see my skin got lifted a lot!! and my family was sort of shocked that it was like a benjamin button I think I finally found my beauty again~

If you guys are thinking about to have a face lifting, endo forehead or fat injection
I highly recommend JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea




What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr











Face Lifting & Endo Forehead Lifting + Fat injection


Hello This is Ms. Lee
Who has done Face Lifting & Endo Forehead Lifting + Fat Injection from
JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea by

Dr. Hong Dae, Kang
I’m currently little over 60’s (I will not post my exact age since I want to keep my secret >,<)
I know that everyone is getting old and their skin starts sagging down a lot.

I wish that I can stay same as all the time but can’t do anything about that.
Even though I’m over 60 but still women is women which it means wants to have
beauty and always thinking about the appereances, So I finally decided to
Face Lifting & Endo Forehead Lifting + Fat injection @ JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea

For first I went JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea to have a consultation with
Dr. Hong Dae, Kang
Since it was my first time to going to the Plastic Clinic
They were really nice during the consultation and explained me about the surgery & procedure very well so I could understand fully.

I thought Fat Injection suppose to look fatter since it is injecting fat into my face so I thought I would have more volumes on my face, But it was my wrong thoughts. Dr’s explained me that it gives more volume but it will not make you fatter. It actually help you to have better shape of your face with smoother facial line.
So I decided to do all of my surgeries @ JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea

I was very nervous because of surgery…and General Anesthesia (but Good thing calming down was that they have in house anesthesiologist)

After all the procedures it was hurt….no doubt..
and I was realllllly swollen…like a chipmunk…
but several months later I could see my skin got lifted a lot!! and my family was sort of shocked that it was like a benjamin button I think I finally found my beauty again~

If you guys are thinking about to have a face lifting, endo forehead or fat injection
I highly recommend JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea




What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr








