Dr. Man Koon Suh was invited to 22nd congress of ISAPS

Dr. Man Koon Suh was invited panel speaker of ISAPS.
 There were 5 Korean invited speakers and 1500 people have attended.
The 22nd international congress of International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Date: 2014.9.19-22
Presentation: How to overcome small septal cartilage in Asian tip plasty (Asian Rhinoplasty)
JW Plastic Surgery Korea
598-6 Shinsa, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
서울시 강남구 신사동 598-6
English Hotline : +82-10 5768 5114/ 10 7195 5114
Chinese Hotline : +82-10 2213 5114/ 10 2810 5114
Thai Hotline : +82-10 4623 5114(Line ID:thai5114)
Kakao Talk ID : jwps / jwbeautykr
E-mail : jw_beauty@naver.com
Homepage : www.jwbeauty.net
Blog : jwbeautykorea.blogspot.com


Dr. Man Koon Suh was invited to 22nd congress of ISAPS

Dr. Man Koon Suh was invited panel speaker of ISAPS.
 There were 5 Korean invited speakers and 1500 people have attended.
The 22nd international congress of International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Date: 2014.9.19-22
Presentation: How to overcome small septal cartilage in Asian tip plasty (Asian Rhinoplasty)
JW Plastic Surgery Korea
598-6 Shinsa, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
서울시 강남구 신사동 598-6
English Hotline : +82-10 5768 5114/ 10 7195 5114
Chinese Hotline : +82-10 2213 5114/ 10 2810 5114
Thai Hotline : +82-10 4623 5114(Line ID:thai5114)
Kakao Talk ID : jwps / jwbeautykr
E-mail : jw_beauty@naver.com
Homepage : www.jwbeauty.net
Blog : jwbeautykorea.blogspot.com