Chin Reduction + Rhinoplasty

Hello I’m finally posting my
Post-op of my Chin reduction and Rhinoplasty
from JW Plastic Surgery
My chin wasn’t that big or wide but I wanted to sharpen
my chin little bit, So I finally made my mind to do Chin Reduction to make smoother facial line
Also I have done Rhinoplasty from JW Plastic Surgery in Seoul
to raise my height of bridge, make more defined tip by performed tip plasty
Alar reduction to reduce my wide alar base

My nose and face is still swollen 🙁
I’m just hoping my swollen to be gone

Finally 30 days passed after Chin Reduction and Rhinoplasty
Below pictures are whole process pictures of before and after pictures
I’m really satisfied with the results from JW Plastic Surgery
Hope you guys like my B&A Pics!

What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr

Chin Reduction + Rhinoplasty

Hello I’m finally posting my
Post-op of my Chin reduction and Rhinoplasty
from JW Plastic Surgery
My chin wasn’t that big or wide but I wanted to sharpen
my chin little bit, So I finally made my mind to do Chin Reduction to make smoother facial line
Also I have done Rhinoplasty from JW Plastic Surgery in Seoul
to raise my height of bridge, make more defined tip by performed tip plasty
Alar reduction to reduce my wide alar base

My nose and face is still swollen 🙁
I’m just hoping my swollen to be gone

Finally 30 days passed after Chin Reduction and Rhinoplasty
Below pictures are whole process pictures of before and after pictures
I’m really satisfied with the results from JW Plastic Surgery
Hope you guys like my B&A Pics!

What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr