Steps to insure a healthy and speedy recovery after breast implant surgery abroad.
Patients traveling to another country for breast implants may naturally be concerned about the recovery process. What is the healing procedure abroad? How long do I have to stay in that country? What happens if something goes wrong during my recovery? These are all very natural questions for anyone undergoing a cosmetic procedure in a new place.
At JW Plastic Surgery Center, we are committed to insuring that all overseas patients receive the utmost care and attention, making them feel comfortable with their cosmetic journey in Korea. Here, we outline some important points to remember when recovering from breast implants in Korea, and once home.
Physical Activity
While it is important to take care of yourself after any surgery, it is certainly possible to resume daily life soon after your breast implants. In fact, some light movement as soon as one day after surgery is encouraged, to help healing. It is also important to remember to eat well in the days and weeks following surgery, with lots of vitamins and sufficient calories! It is recommended that patients stay in Seoul for 7 to 9 days after surgery, to rest, attend follow-up visits, and have the stitches removed. We also recommend avoiding strenuous physical activity – such as aerobic exercise and weight lifting –for 6 weeks following the operation.
Bathing and changing clothes
While some patients who come to JW Plastic Surgery clinic for breast surgery from abroad choose to come with a close friend, partner, or family member, it is not a necessity. Many patients find that they are able to look after themselves well in the days following their implant surgery. Showering is allowed 2-3 days after surgery, however it is recommended that the dressing area be kept dry for 1-2 weeks.
Wearing recovery bra
After your surgery, you will be fitted with a special ‘recovery bra’ which gives much-needed support and pressure to your new breasts. How long a patient has to wear their recovery bra depends on their condition and speed of healing, however it is usually recommended that patients wear the recovery bra every day for around one-month post-surgery, and then at nighttime for 1 to 3 months, or more.
Keeping all follow-up-appointments
Most patients who have breast implants at JW Plastic Surgery clinic will have a further 3 or 4 appointments with the doctor post-surgery, to change your bandages and check that you are healing as expected. These are also times when you can ask the doctor any questions you may have about your healing going forward. In addition, JW Plastic Surgery offers a range of complimentary treatments to patients after their cosmetic surgery, including relaxing facials and massages! Our nurses will talk to you about the treatments most suited to your skin and surgery.
Communication in your native tongue!
One of the most worrying things for patients traveling abroad for plastic surgery is the idea of not being able to communicate well with doctors and nurses. Don’t worry! At JW Plastic Surgery, we have a dedicated International Clinic, with native Russian, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, and English nurses. There will always be a fluent bi-lingial nurse on hand for you to answer any questions you may have during your healing.
Want to find out more about breast implant surgery at JW Plastic Surgery Clinic? Click here, or request a consultation here.