Dr. Suh Man Koon, a rhinoplasty specialist of JW Plastic Surgery Korea participated in OSAPS Master Class 2022 – an aesthetic surgery dedicated online symposium organized by Oriental Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. Dr. Suh participated as representative of Korean plastic surgeons.
Dr. Suh Man Koon lecture “Tips and pitfalls of stable nasal tip projection” was enthusiastically received by fellow plastic surgery specialists from other South and East Asia countries and Dr. Suh was rewarded by Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding lecture, that enriched other rhinoplasty surgeons with useful know-how, improving current tip plasty techniques.

OSAPS is a regional body consisting of plastic surgery masters from 9 South and East Asian countries. OSAPS was founded in 1988 and is a society recognized by ISAPS – International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons.